Scream VI (2023)
How did it get worse?
7 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What is wrong with these movies?

The first 10 minutes gave me hope. They basically called the plot of the last movie stupid (even though it's the same writer) and killed off a multi racial group wanting to carry it on. So, great, they said it's dumb and also killed 1 non-white person (more than the entire last movie).

Fantastic. The movie learnt and moved on from that terrible idea. Instead, they didn't and these deaths are actually a plot hole because the real killers supported the bad guys in the 5th movie so why would they kill their teammates?

Then we get the same awful new characters from the last movie at a party. The black girl with her Asian girlfriend trying to stop a Latino girl from going to bed with a white guy. They then rush to get their muscular black friend to come and beat him up for daring... speak to a Latino girl? I can only guess that's why but then he gets with her in the next scene so...was he jealous? So it's okay those two getting together but not the white guy? She's just as drunk as she was 10 minutes before. Then her sister Sam shows up and tasers him in the balls after the fight is over. Because, patriarchy I guess.

Mix in they introduce another white guy to have woman laugh at for not being attractive. I guess. They then condescend and make fun of him repeatedly and make a point that he's a pathetic virgin nerd and the big black guy is unironically called "chad". Like. Come on and yes they also point that out in the film. He's the punching bag for the entire movie, so much so you expect him to be heroic at the end but no, he's just a pathetic character because he's white.

Because they killed off Dewey in the last movie, they need to find a way to have a police connection in this one so bring Kirby back to life from Scream 4. She was one of the more fun characters in Scream 4 but here she has no personality whatsoever.

When people refer to Sam as psycho, they are just correct. She is a genuinely unlikeable character. That's true for all of them though. Her interactions with ghost face are smug, boastful, cocky but then at all other moments she's stupid. Even with dealing with basically anyone outside of her close friend group she's incredibly smug and condescending. It's not a good sign when I really hope all the heroes die.

The house party scene really didn't help when they were clearly trying to make out that the white guy with the Latino girl was rapey even as she repeatedly argued with them that she wanted to do it, but then it was fine for the black guy minutes later. If they wanted it to seem rapey they could have had him spike her drink but instead him and her just talked, decided to go to bed and then everyone decided to assault him as the girl got upset at them.

I did laugh when this movie randomly had ghostface just kill a bunch of white men in a bodega and then the movie forgot that happened one scene later where they claimed only two people had died so far when it was actually 6.

The twist was so obvious. Do you know why? White people. Yes. Seriously. That's literally the twist. Every white character except the legacy characters in the movie were evil killers. The tough Latino chicks then easily slaughter the white people and then slowly stab an old man to death in as painful a way as possible and smirk and gloat as they slowly torture him to death. Then they smile and cuddle as family.

Imagine being able to guess the killers simply because they're the only new white characters. That should tell you everything you need to know about the movie.

And then guess what? The movie ends the exact same way as 5. The two black twins who were both shown as heavily crippled and left for dead both survived and the movie just shrugs at why they're alive and the two latino chicks survive. The 2 legacy female characters lived.

It literally is the exact same ending as the last movie.

The writer clearly only knows how to write one ending, ignoring that this is just a rip off of Scream 2. It's nothing but annoying characters and hatred of white people. I was stunned when the two black twins just show up again at the end of the movie. I thought they'd actually been a bit different but no. The only non-white characters killed off in this out of 10+ were the random Asian killer at the start and the Asian girlfriend (who is immediately forgotten), I guess in Hollywood it's still okay to kill Asians.
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