The Boogeyman (I) (2023)
Creepy from start to finish.
7 September 2023
There's been many 'Boogeyman' films through the years. This film is not part of a franchise nor is it a remake. It is a standalone film, and with all the Boogeyman films out there, this is definitely the best.

The film is off to a very creepy start, and the creepiness never lets go. This film is relentless, as it never allows the viewer to take a breath. It grabs you from the opening scene and completely reels you in, only to let go after the finale.

Sadie (Sophie Thatcher) recently lost her mom in a car accident. There to help her cope, is her little sister Sawyer (Vivien Lyra Blair) and her Dad, Will Harper (played by the very handsome Chris Messina). Sadie's school friends are mostly making fun of her. I enjoyed this back story, because it made me root for the family all the more. Sadie also goes from insecure, to heroin.

Will Harper is a therapist. One day, Lester Billings comes to see him, telling him a disturbing story of how his three children was killed by "a thing". Fearing Lester might be dangerous, Will calls the police, but before they arrive, Lester is found dead in a closet.

And now Sawyer starts seeing the same 'thing' Lester described, and the family's ordeal is about to begin. Hell, this movie gave me gooseflesh at times. It is constantly foreboding, and whenever there's a jump scare, there's a good reason for it - and there are plenty! I must say, I found the house very dark - even during daytime. I understand they wanted to create a scary atmosphere; similar to 'Lights Out', and its actually darn effective! It was much scarier that way.

Despite being a horror film, 'The Boogeyman' has a lot of depth. There are emotional and sincere moments I did not expect to find here. The actors also did an incredible job. But that goes without saying, considering every main actor is an award-winning actor. This is a very well made horror film that's sure to give young kids nightmares, so don't let your youngsters watch this!

As I said, the film never goes easy on the viewer. There truly never is a dull moment and chances are you'll be on the edge of your seat biting your nails throughout its 98 minute runtime. And it all builds to a good climax!
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