Review of That's My Dog

Six Feet Under: That's My Dog (2004)
Season 4, Episode 5
Absolute nonsense
8 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of the stupidest episodes of television I've ever seen. And I've seen a LOT of television.

I'm working through my first watch of SFU and I've been getting more and more lukewarm on this show, because it's been getting worse and worse over these four seasons, but MAN. This episode takes the cake.

Why didn't David just drive away when this idiot jumped out of the van to get rid of the corpse? Or better yet, run him over? Also, what did this episode accomplish in telling any sort of story or advancing plot lines or character arcs? If anything, all this episode did was *UNDO* the work they did to establish David's meticulous, calculating, and cautious character until this point.

I spent almost every minute of this painful episode switching between shaking my head and laughing at the utter nonsense of it all.

"You don't have any food. Don't lie to my dog...

That's not my dog."

Jesus Christ. To think I could've spent that hour more wisely, rubbing sandpaper against my eyeballs.
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