Review of 97 Minutes

97 Minutes (2023)
10 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers

I'm not an airline pilot, but I am a commercial pilot, so I know something about these things. Here is a brief list of hilarious errors that I didn't see mentioned elsewhere.


Opening scene, airliner in flight is 1,100 miles from US coast with 97 minutes of fuel. Uh, that's not going to work. At its max cruising speed of almost 500 knots, the fuel will run out at 800 nautical miles, which is 920 statute (or Hollywood) miles. Ain't going to make it anyway. Also, you are required to have reserves beyond expected time.

When the cabin pressure changes due to a bad-guy bullet hole somewhere (with the requisite falling masks fiasco) , it would reduce the cabin pressure, not increase it as they show.

The Raptors are intercepting the NYC-bound flight while they are 6 miles from some place in PA. Uh, what took them so long, how did our airliner make it to PA instead of NYC, and once caught, why are afterburners needed to keep pace with an airliner?

One night shot shows the airliner proceeding westbound, but with the moon to the north of it. Nope.

The "Heavy from Atlanta airspace" airliner nearly hits our airliner. Looking at the FAA map of ATC Centers, it would have had to fly through Washington, Boston, and NY Centers to get there - a long way from Atlanta.

After the passenger revolt, everyone is silent. If it were me, I'd be getting a beer from the liquor cart and giving a few Hoo-Ya's!

Baldwin directs the airliner to "Runway 2882". There is no such place. Runways are designated by just two digits, corresponding to the first two numbers of their magnetic heading, e.g. Runway-28 is aligned with 280 degrees. I think Alex's compass is wound up too tight! (Or maybe it's Rusty.) (Sorry; too soon?)

That mythical runway is "10 miles due south" but they "don't have enough fuel to make it". Must be the plane turned into a large rock. From 30,000 feet, the airliner should be able to glide about 60 miles.

Then the starboard engine runs out of fuel. Because this is Hollywood, that means that it must of course immediately catch fire, burning, uh...

At touchdown, we see a wonderful head-on shot of the plane landing. But in addition to there no longer being fires from the engine or tail, the 767 has miraculously turned into a Boeing 737.

The final plot twist involving the "good guy" is unbelievable. Plus, he neglects to instruct the heroine how to use the brakes, so it's fortunate that the 230,000 pound aircraft decides to coast to a stop on this little emergency airstrip without any of the theatrics that normally occur, even on big airports.

This movie - what a hoot!
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