Lake Placid 2 (2007 TV Movie)
Nearly a remake
11 September 2023
It's pointless because it's just a remake of the original but with some characters swapped and a lot of girls in bikinis for more victims. One of the biggest problems with it being a remake is it's also still a sequel.

No one believes it's a crocodile at first. No one believes the first movie happened even though it's only a few years later (the original was 8 years prior). The first movie involved 3 specialist agencies, nearly every cop in the town was involved and 2 cops were killed.

The main characters just got swapped. The fish and game guy (Pullman) is now the sheriff. The sheriff (Gleeson) is now the big game hunter/crocodile expert. The specialist (Fonda) is now the fish and game guy.

They introduced a bunch of teenagers just to be eaten and they're just awful. The sheriff's son is there just to have a connection to the dumb teens. He's immediately interested in a girl but she has a boyfriend, that she very blatantly hates and the second she sees the main dude she is jealous of any girl being near him. We seriously went from no connection to near obsession in an afternoon where they didn't even speak to eachother.

Added to the group is a weird stereotype of a black hunter, running around as a man servant and attacking crocodiles with a giant knife. It's weird.

The original was well written and funny enough. This movie really thinks it's well written and funny but it's pretty painful. It's never funny, never even close.

The graphics are also considerably worse than the original. At first it was really cheap, hiding the crocodile entirely and having a lot of deaths or attacks off camera. It looked terrible but it got worse when the crocodile suddenly started appearing on screen. Never looking like it fit in place and more resembling a PS2 game. Lots of glaring issues, like when they blew the head off a gator, its body is just missing in the next shots but there in some. When the guy's arm is bitten off in the first scene, you clearly see he has both arms when he's swimming in the water. They just assumed the water would hide it.

The stakes are very artificial. There are numerous times when the 40 feet long crocodiles will appear standing beside the heroes without anyone noticing. Despite having instant one shot weapons sometimes they just won't shoot or characters throw them down. Characters often just stand and stare at the crocodile instead of moving.

How they treat the characters is odd. The majority are just constantly sarcastic no matter what happens to them. The big game hunter in particular is weird because you think he's going to grow and have a triumph moment to redeem himself, but no, he's just shown as a total loser and idiot the entire movie.
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