Kill Shot (2023)
Unfortunately I did watch to the end!
11 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Your right after the girl dropped off first a small pack to the tattoo girl then the talibad guys who then get shot by I guess the tattoo girl & mercenaries? Next pans to the hunter and his wife before the call about a hunting job. Then back to the mercenaries now in Montana looking for the pilot of a crashed plane and wanders of wanders its that case of money again. Meanwhile the hunter stops for the night meets a girl turns out to be a waitress at the bar he goes to. Later meets up with his agent and the client for the hunt (shoot an Elk) is this girl again. They camp and next day search for Elk in same area as the downed plane -coincidence? After some 10 hours our hunter who turns out to be an ex-seal climbs the ridge and see an Elk but also the dead pilot hanging plus this case on the ground below him. From then on the mercenaries show up and although fire loads of bullets hit nothing but the hunter hits at least 6 which seems unbelievable. Well rather than dwell any more on this film what can I say about the ending? Oh no!!
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