Interesting but slow...
12 September 2023
This one kind of stumped me. I'm a fan of Emilia Clarke, I'm always down to watch any new projects of hers...and yet, something about "The Pod Generation" just seemed a little off to me. It was good enough overall, I didn't hate it. But the execution was so-so. Dialogue seemed clunkily-written and the overall pacing was too slow to fit under the traditional sci-fi genre. In fact, I'd classify this as a 'futuristic drama', more than anything. It has its quirks, but I didn't find it a romantic comedy, either. The repetitive dream sequences were thought-provoking but really went nowhere.

Emilia Clarke gives a solid performance despite her character's lack of backstory and depth. I think maybe that's what it's missing...the plot itself has potential but it never quite lives up to it. Mr. Chiwetel also gives a good performance, but there's no soul to this movie...aside from Emilia Clarke's truly radiant smile.

Just a set of confused parents-to-be, trying to sort out the rules and regulations around an AI-assisted "pregnancy" (via a Pod, hence the title). Alas, it was a great premise. As others had said, it would've made a stellar story for the TV show Black Mirror. (I would award automatic bonus points if Emilia and Chiwetel had still appeared!)
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