The More Love Grows (2023 TV Movie)
Elmer lifts the tone
13 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This story begins with a situation that is all too common. A husband just isn't excited about his marriage anymore. That's not too different from a midlife crisis. He starts a process that isn't easy to fix.

I have a personal bias against divorce and against dating while married. A legal separation makes the latter a little more complicated, but I still favor holding a marriage of 20 years together. There are, of course, circumstances that shift the balance in this equation such as cheating or abuse.

This movie seems to me to be a celebration of me being me. Whatever is good for me is what I should pursue. Helen finds that she likes herself after trying new things and at least partially succeeding in them. She can stand on her own. Paul has already chosen self by pushing for the separation without even trying to reconcile. Then his attitude changes, but Helen now likes her new life. Meanwhile, whether you label it dating or not, that's what she has been doing with another man. It feels good.

Then two crises occur. They all pull together for the dog, but what about Aly. Aly has just learned one her first hard lessons about living in the real world (and even college is only part way there). She is devastated. She comes home to find her family broken. But according to the flow of the movie, that's OK too. It's Aly who needs to adjust. The movie has already shown how important friends and by extension family is in helping to deal with real life for Helen. But not for Aly? True neither mom nor dad abandon her, but there is tremendous security in the nuclear family. This story in effect denies that.

And this is what popular culture wants us to believe. A united family is not better than a broken one. To thine own self be true and to heck with the man or woman you've committed to for 20 years.

This movie does a very good job of exploring real life in today's world. One downside is Helen's personality. I would usually say that her positive attitude, which is Rachel Boston's specialty, is a good thing, and it is. It's just that in the way it's done in this movie is naive and unrealistic. Everything can be shrugged off, even the dog digging up your daisies. But the movie does well in examining a number of situations that are real.

Elmer the dog plays a big part in the movie and he is cute. That's a plus for dog lovers.

I'm prepared for all the down votes because I am a dinosaur. Even so I have to vote against the ideals of selfishness and broken families which are celebrated by this movie.
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