Thought provoking but characters are annoying
15 September 2023
The concept of the movie is great. I love anti-war movies that revolve around the lives of regular civilians and how it affects them. Nuclear radiation and its effects on the body is also very haunting and eerie. I feel like we don't see enough movies about the aftermath of nuclear war (Barefoot Gen is really good). The animation style is unique. There's scenes with live action props that are intertwined with the animation and it can be kind of trippy. I thought it was cool. Seeing the bleak and depressing aftermath of the bomb leaves food for thought on what I'd do if everything I'd ever known and loved was destroyed. And seeing good people I've known my whole life be reduced to ash is not a nice thought at all. But the couple in this movie are so annoying. I understand that they are naive and misinformed. They are old-fashioned and stuck in their ways and that's fine. But surely no one, especially two grown adults who've already lived through a war and know of Hiroshima, could be that thick? Jim's optimism and arrogance borders on delusion. It's really annoying and almost frustrating. I don't think I could handle someone like that during an obviously hopeless situation lol. I understand that the movie is depicting an elderly man from a different time, and the mentality was different, but he doesn't even acknowledge his wife's slow suffering. Or his own. "It's just nerves ducks, look I'm nervous too and I'm a man!" You don't have to be a nuclear scientist to know that your bleeding gums, thinning hair, and bloodied diarrhea is a very bad sign and worth panicking over. Also they are very self-centred. They still expect the mail man and milk man to show up to their door step everyday, despite the very obvious amount of damage that's been done. Again, you don't have to be a scientist to clearly see life will not be normal again for a long time, if ever. It's like the two characters have zero personality. The Bloggs feel just as empty as the aftermath of the bomb itself. But a memorable movie regardless.
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