Snore fest that lost interest
16 September 2023
And just how can an exorcism movie be a snore fest? It was a challenge for them, with all the high budget pyrotechnics, but they managed. More money should have been spent on some of the dime store demon make up...I have seen better masks in elementary school Halloween parades.

Even Russell Crowe couldn't save this one, and it doesn't seem he tried all that hard. He looks depressed rather than scared throughout most of the movie.

I guessed the ending while the beginning credits were still rolling and was highly disappointed to be completely correct. Not even an intriguing plot twist...was that because they fear audiences are just too slow to follow anything but the most basic of overused of plots or even the writers are just done with this dull demonic exorcism themes that revolves around a lot of bad over dubbed vocals and people spewing huge amounts of vomitis everywhere.

I truly stopped even caring what was happening and was glad the movie finally ended which, I hope, was NOT the ended aftereffect that was being attempted.

There are also more plot holes than a fishing net and the inconsistencies will finally have you wanting it over.

Go watch the Exorcist instead.
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