Name it
16 September 2023
No pun intended - this is just the first step for a downspiral ... and a movie that is quite talky. And maybe a testament that Germans can be funny - just kidding, no wait they can be. But also, this movie is based on a French movie - which I have not watched yet. I did not know this existed until after I watched this - I only had heard that this was supposed to be good (and it is) ... so original movie and sequel to this one are on my list now.

Really well played and nice twists, with relationships being strained and truths being dragged into the ... light (or whatever you would call it yourself). The characters like to tease each other (especially one of them) ... not knowing what avalanche is coming from one ... not so innocent joke ... which goes to show you: be kind to each other ... don't be mean - it might come and bite you ...
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