Fox Mystery Theater: In Possession (1984)
Season 1, Episode 6
PLODDING...maybe a 4 1/2.
17 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first Fox Mystery Theater (Hammer...) episode I've watched. The fact that is it the second highest rated episode does not bode well for the rest of the series. I really can't understand how reviewers could call this a "minor masterpiece" or "classic". It is extremely plodding with a very average script and very average performances. There is a 5 minute slow motion scene of the couple running up and down the stairs that is 100% filler. It feels like it never ends and serves no purpose. Scene after scene of the the older man "speaking" to the couple is simply not engaging.

I can let the usual "husband not telling the wife everything" (and vice versa) pass, but there are things that just don't make sense. Towards the end, Frank tries to convince Sylvia that it was all dream (dreamt together). He completely forgets that he saw the elderly couple in the park 2 years it can't be a dream. And -- I cannot believe that Frank would not even TRY to stop the woman from getting drowned in the bathtub (or yelled at, etc). I mean, it's a helpless old lady! Maybe it isn't real, but I think most people would at least try to stop it. She's treated so badly, I think human nature would force you to step in. I found that very frustrating.

The ending is fine, but you have to get through 70 minutes. Not recommended.
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