We Make Our Own Hail ⛈ Frustration, Love, & Workplace Interference °6.8° °good° 💯%🔍
17 September 2023
Here's a lite mist to refresh between the storms of heavier dramas. It's often as bland as the smile on Park Min-young's face throughout. For a show about st🌀rms, h🔥t, c☃ld, & tempest⚡this show is surprisingly uneventful. Can they make forecasting the weather exciting? Interesting?

It is interesting to see the decision-paradigm utilized to forecast a heavy rain warning issued in ep1 & the controversy fallout. They cut from a high tech, nearly sterile appearing office to people in the mud sandbagging the riverbanks, a rushing dam release & more ripple effect entailing effort & 💰. A heavy rain advisory ain't just hot air. May I presume that most of us were thoroughly unaware of the contentious nature between fishermen & the weather administration?

As for the characters, their minds are always on the skies. JHK (Jin Ha Kyung) is a ⭐ on the rise at the MA. Her pressure's rising, too. It's hard to stay 🌞 when she wants to rain hellfire on her fiance. "Sometimes I feel like she can't take what she's owed in life from anyone," her mother says. Miss Hospital Corners is so uptight that her inflexible walk is difficult to watch w/o eclipse glasses. She's about to marry her longtime BF/coworker, but she gets ghosted right before the wedding & BF briskly marries someone else who works in the same building. Let the gossip & gawking start pouring down on our humiliated FL. She's played by Park Min Young who generates electric chemistry w/ every male lead. In FL&W's early scenes, either botox or filler washed away her facial expressions. It's distracting. FL&W doesn't utilize her well.

She isn't the only underutilized talent. Song Kang plays ML Lee Shi Woob, a geek. It's kind of a waste of his abilities, the primary one being a walking pheromone. He is downright pathetic in ep1, which strains the eyes more than JHK's over-stiff gate. Yoon Park, who plays ex-fiance Han Ki Joon, had a similar role in My Shy Boss(6.5) in which he retrogrades from Mr. Cool into Mr. Slight-Chance after turbulence, adjusting his body language from confident to defeated marvelously. We see his pressure building from the past to the present in FL&W. Frustration & feelings of isolation became an arctic chill over time, because his fiance was married to her job. He slings sandbags - of sleaze - sometimes we don't notice a person in our life is sleazy because we see what we want to see & fail to be as attentive as we should be.

Then there's the ubiquitous mother: Kim Mi-kyung. She gets to have a temper tantrum in this one. It must have felt good. Lee Sung Wook plays Eom Dong Han from Team 2. He's a weather geek who chose to marry & have a child. Opting to work remotely, he continued to provide 💰, but denied them his presence for years, so his wife is bitter. She's using their daughter to vent her justified anger. That's a toxic, selfish act, & it's never okay. Jang So Yeon plays his wife, Lee Hyang Rae. She has to play someone who gets hit w/ extremely painful things in 'Something in the Rain'(8.6), & she handled it convincingly. She has gravitas. Jung Woon Sun as Jin Tae Kyung, & Moon Tae Yu, as Shin Seok Ho, round out the main cast. She's our FL's sister & a bit of a mess. He's an anal-retentive (capitalize that) meteorologist. They are the cold front that's blasted by a heatwave; their 2ndary 💓 is one of the best things in the show. As for the primary romance, it is usually cloudless skies. In FL&W we flow w/ the protags through daily life w/ constant changes in currents & humidity. Puffs of clouds will form, 💧 will fall, sometimes they get wet. At work there is virtually no protection from the hail of gossip. There's no dramatic typhoons or blizzards, just everyday existence.

Marriage is considered a life success, of sorts, but the married couples are the ones that are always fighting in FL&W. Being married washes up latent expectations that are not automatically met. It's also an extra weight of responsibility in taking on, in the form of a lifetime commitment, another person's burdens & struggles, putting up w/ failures, & also creating kids (more lives + more work + more struggles). Dong Han from Team 2 loves being a dad after being absent for so long, but soon he learns the agony that can come w/ it. The payoff is supposed to be more love. Nobody does it perfectly - Not you; not me. I've always joked that parenting is all about guilt. What I didn't know before is that loss & grief also taunt us w/ regret & guilt. It's a feeling that I would spare all. In one notable scene a now split up couple, each in new relationships where some of the same issues have manifested once again, have dinner together to discuss where they went wrong. They manage to have a constructive deconstruction of their relationship & how it got off course. Each could now see things about themselves & where they might need to improve. Alot of people who think that moving on to another 💓 will fix things are often disappointed. One mother talked about how the pettiness adds up, but it was a mistake for her to break up her first marriage. In our uber individualistic & rage-prone society we get mad at every little offense, but we forgive ourselves quite easily for the same things. For example, our newlyweds have kept some things from eachother. She used to live w/ her boyfriend & she never told her husband, because she was worried he wouldn't like it. (SK is more conservative about these things than the USA). He finds out, & he doesn't like it. He °really° doesn't like it. This is a guy who used to live w/ his GF, whom he broke up w/ right before the wedding. Does he have any right to be offended? Q: Why is he blind to his own stuff? A: Because we all are🙈. One of the main reasons marriages suffer from a dreadful >50% divorce rate is because of 2nd & 3rd marriages, which have a terrible success rate. First marriages are still more likely to succeed than not. Alittle extra effort, the knowledge that you aren't a perfect mate either, & sincerely trying to see things from the other person's perspective may part the clouds & let the 🌞 in.

That is the theme of FL&W: Hang in there, keep at it & try to stay together, because: It's going to rain; a storm is brewing. The forecast looks ominous & it's best not to face it alone. Umbrellas send signals about relationships. Our FL thinks back to when her fiance held one over her head - when things were going well. She almost smiles until she remembers that the wedding's in a month, the deposit was never paid, & her fiance is gone with the wind. Taking on a decided chill, she walks away letting the rain soak her. The 2ndary couple, just beginning to realize their interest, admit to eachother how they feel & leave the restaurant as he holds her close under his ☔. The camera pans back to the table they just vacated to show a forgotten 🌂 they left behind: They only need one 🌂 now. They will brave the elements together. It's a lovely touch. There's definitely another theme that they are whispering down the lane: Gossip hurts. Nobody can mind h/h own business at the Meteorological Administration. We make our own hell. Why do we gossip? Pride. People have an insatiable compulsion to compare ourselves to others & tell ourselves that we are doing better by comparison. Those are just the lies we tell ourselves, folks. What does comparing oneself to a person w/ different skills, backgrounds, personalities, strengths, weakness, IQ, experiences, connections, challenges & the myriad of other variants even mean? It's the most worthless, empty thinking possible. Gossips are society's ice storms that leave destruction in their wake.

FLoW & FLaW - No one expects them to get it right every time. FL&W is often formulaic & uninspiring, along w/ some downright lackluster delivery. Yet it has plenty of solid elements. There's some truly cute & amusing scenes, but not until the show is 30% over. The 🌞 pokes through to shine brightly at times: Zoom in shots from satellite height down to ground level add excitement. There's cool shots of weather phenomena including a typhoon (which looks exactly like whipped cream on top of a delicious concoction which has always distracted me). The married-ex's apt has narcissist sized wedding pictures on the LR wall; their problems quickly become bigger than those 8ft × 10fts. When the AC brakes, everybody's sweating & fanning; cut over to Mr. OCD who looks cool as a 🥒 w/ his handheld fan. His carefully controlled life will be typhooned by our FL's sister. The restaurant scenes are cute. The first time our leads run into eachother they sit apart, one being too hot & the other too cold. Soon, they're sitting together, lookin cozy. The chef's reactions to them are closely monitored & add layers of warm enjoyment to these vignettes. The director turns a one night stand into a visual weather metaphor - I felt undone - it's exceptional. There is a scene w/ 4 men, 1 woman & 1 apt in ep7 that is pretty darn funny. It's a nice touch when the screen splits w/ the heads of our leads & her mother lined up to show the same exact downturned mouth. Many of the characters are going through similar struggles & end up mirroring eachother, either in uniformity or a contrast of opposites. It's good filmmaking. So, w/ what I now know, would I choose to watch it again for the first time? There's a 60% chance that I would.

And that's the 🔥 & the ☃brr of it. At many moments it's a little pedestrian & at others there's a good message, the acting is good, there are laughs, & our social intelligence is challenged. For some of us, the best value is that it's a mostly pleasant brainless watch if you want to do a mental shutdown - a thing as necessary as an occasional rainstorm.


This is insane


🎬6 📝7 🎭7.5 💓7 🦋5 🌞7 🎨7 🎵&🔊7.5 😅7.5 😭 🤔4 💤4 🔚8

Age 12+ pre-marital sex.

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