As detective, #1 son excellent airplane pilot.
18 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's been a decade since Charlie Chan has done a case with his first born Lee (Keye Luke), and he's still putting him in his place. But Charlie (Roland Winters) also has #2 son here, and the family thanks to the script writers, have forgotten that #2 was actually Jimmy, not Tommy. Victor Sen Yung must have kept that to himself as this is the last film in the series for him, although the hint of a sibling rivalry was an interesting element. Luke looks only slightly older and has matured, but the script won't let the character fully act his age, obviously to try and make Charlie seem younger.

As #1 assistant, Mantan Moreland is back with the comic relief, although Tommy desperately singing "La Cucaracha" over and over does get a few ironic giggles. They are all down in Mexico when they stumble along a mystery concerning archeologists and lost treasure, the sound stages filled with the sound of crickets to make the viewer think they are outside camping. As the second to last film, I wouldn't call this a bad entry, but it's obviously time for the series to wrap up before the series ends up going further south.
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