Decent Spanish Jump-Scare Flick
18 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a nice little Spanish horror that has an incomplete mystery. I think some people might find that to be a good thing, while others will find it frustrating. While I was unpleasantly surprised by the ...thing...at the end, and it was a genuinely creepy twist, the movie just kind of ends.

While I can appreciate a film that leaves the audience to draw their own conclusions, The Communion Girl simply has too many specific details which are left unexplained.

So, the underlying root cause is some kind of devil/witch goblin and the doll is really old. Okay. And....? Where does the skin disease come from? What's the real back story?

La nina de la comunion just kinda leaves you hanging and I guess that's passably frightening to fourteen year olds and incurious adults. The atmosphere is decent, though.
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