Stargate: Atlantis: Missing (2007)
Season 4, Episode 7
Boring buddy cop episode
18 September 2023
Stargate Atlantis is a b-grade affair. Each week, the inhabitants of Atlantis venture out to new planets that just so happen to resemble a pine forest somewhere outside Vancouver. While on these new planets, they have adventures that just so happen to resemble those of other 1990s sci-fi TV shows filmed in pine forests just outside Vancouver: Stargate SG-1, the X-Files, the Outer Limits, etc etc. Some weeks the storyline, character development and acting is good enough to overlook how trite the show is. Other weeks it almost hurts to watch. This is one of the hurty episodes.

This one really only exists to give the Dr Keller character some dedicated screen time and development. They contrast her with Teyla for maximum effect - Teyla is bold and resourceful, Keller naive and useless. When everything goes wrong, Keller doesn't cope and Teyla keeps her cool. But this week's problem requires both a strong amazon AND a doctor, so they overcome adversity together - each using her unique skills. Along the way, Keller learns some resilience and Teyla some humility. By the end they have bonded and we're all meant to care a little more about Keller, who is now entrusted with a further piece of the story arc.

Jewel Staite and Rachel Luttrell deserve awards for playing these ridiculously shallow characters with such seriousness. I don't how they kept straight faces.
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