Notes of Autumn (2023 TV Movie)
Pretty much what you expect from Hallmark...
18 September 2023
... bad acting, fake sets and predictable moments.

But I wanted to review it just cause in the few instances I've seen gay characters on Hallmark, then I've checked reviews here and it was honestly hilarious: all they do is their usual predictable love story and then share a peck in the last 3 minutes.

And then I came here to find reviews like: "well, I just wanted to relax, I didn't came here to find political propaganda" or "I don't know why Hallmark needs to do movies like these"...

People finding outrageous such a completely plain movie just cause of the gay factor was really something. If you can't even enjoy a movie because of that, wow lol.

Cheer up and revisit your priorities in life.
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