Surprisingly detailed
18 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am skeptical whenever Candace Owens is involved, but she is surprisingly on point in this show, and not at all over the top.

It's absolutely shocking, the liberties Making A Murderer took with the truth in the effort to make a very likely guilty man look not guilty.

The 1st 3 episodes are a bit dry and not an easy watch or listen, mainly focusing on Steven Avery's abominable past. The man is an absolute monster.

Getting past that though, the 4th episode is an absolute gut punch for anyone who bought into Making a Murderer's dishonest storylines. Undeniable proof that the show willfully added and omitted evidence to attain specific reactions from audiences. Shameful.

Convicting A Murderer hammers home point after point and provides irrefutable proof that the Making A Murderer filmmakers were actively trying to help Steven Avery by using their own words and footage, and contrasting with documents and reality. Ouch.

As the show progresses, it becomes utterly clear that Making A Murderer deliberately sidelined the truth in order to forward a biased narrative, and that the filmmakers were activists in search of a muse.
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