The Outer Limits: Soldier (1964)
Season 2, Episode 1
Creative and imaginative.
19 September 2023
A pair of earrings soldiers from Earth's future are caught up in a freak accident, and transported back to Earth, one of them, Quarlo Clobregnny is caught by The Authorities, Philologist Kagan is called in to try to break down the language barrier.

On the outside, you could easily mistake this for simply another man in a space suit sci fi drama, but this is a whole lot more.

It's well imagined, well realised, and Quarlo as a character has several different layers, he arrives with alien principles and beliefs, and one single strategy, to kill, he's essentially a human, without any humanity.

Kagan is equally interesting, was he well meaning, naive, daring, or a little cavalier? I'm not sure anyone would put their family at risk like that.

Some decent special effects for the time, and that battle ground set looked pretty good.

I have to comment on that much talked about moment, the first thing you do when you meet an alien, you give him a cigarette, obviously we're in more enlightenment times now, but that was just all kinds of wrong, but just remember the context.

A good start to series 2.

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