Snowfall: The Rubicon (2017)
Season 1, Episode 10
19 September 2023
I really enjoyed the first half of this season because E1 was a banger. It got a bit tired by the second half of the season with Franklin's story arc being the only interesting one.

Another gripe was them insisting on doing recaps at the start of each episode forcing me to skip forward like 35 seconds everytime i start an episode. Like first of all; there is no reason whatsoever to be doing recaps because we're not watching for the plot, we're watching for the characters and how they evolve. We're going to be watching them evolve for multiple seasons, so how about giving the viewer an ounce of trust? I can understand Season recaps but every damn episode? Jeez

Besides, the plot is not even that good. It detracts from the story and the characters alongside it...

Which is a big shame because the characters here are incredibly well portrayed (except the CIA agent who is a little bit too cliché).

-- Despite its faults, this show is still very good. Most dialogue is pretty much how it'd go down in real life which makes the immersion and realism in this show top notch.
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