Post hoc ergo propter hoc
21 September 2023
Because that, therefore this.

What complete & utter tosh. It starts on climate change, with some broad, sweeping claims - then jumps straight to "space aliens, we can use the same power source as them" without any indication as to HOW we might manage to do that. We just can. Sure.

After that we get a string of low-grade conspiracy-theory 'this guy invented this, then died in mysterious circumstances' drivel.

I was yawning by this time.

Then we jump back to how the space aliens' technology can fix everything... again with no mention at all as to how this might be achieved, as currently no-one has a clue how they do it; if they do it at all; if they actually exist.

If they do exist, why don't they ever drop in where people can see them properly. Always some backwater where the only camera around can't take clear pictures.

And, of course the entire underlying consipracy theory - the gubment is keeping all this good stuff away from us, for some nefarious purpose.

Amazon ought to be ashamed of giving budget and air-time to this type of delusional programming... or at least market it as a comedy, not to be taken seriously.
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