Drag Race Brasil (2023– )
We know they're not real competitions... but
23 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show has some of the LEAST talented queens in comparison to the best shows.

The host is not ready for the gig. She lacks anything that resembles any actual depth as either a queen or a host. She makes Brook Lynn Heights look like a great host in comparison.

The judging, if you can call it that, is hollow and shows the obvious script they're forced to follow.

It gets to the point queens who are 4th teir in their drag are kept around because the show wants to look good for having a queen without a stitch of talent outside painting her face - in what appears to be pandering to the disabled population. As a disabled person, i find it disgusting.

I'm sorry, but we're not going to be watching this sad little piece of Drag Race herstory.
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