Batman: Return to Arkham (2016 Video Game)
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24 September 2023
Return to Arkham is the first two games in the Arkham Trilogy, yet this time around we have better graphics as we play through Arkham Asylum, and in my opinion the best Batman game ever made 'Arkham City'. With this remastered return comes some unwanted glitches compared with the ultra crisp original combat fighting system that once was. Often you'll be press triangle to no avail and get hit way more than you ever did in the original versions, especially if you play this on the hardest difficulty. It can be very frustrating to say the least as the original game was perfect. The control system just doesn't work as smoothly this time around. The original games were a ten for me but this slight issue with mechanics brings it down a peg for me. All the DLC is included though, so you won't have to find yourself spending unnecessarily to gain access to more content.

For me both these game were classics, however Arkham City edges it with a better story and the added advantage of playing as another character in the name of Catwoman. The second game also brings a lot of more the rogues gallery which is exciting to see as too often these characters are left out in films or games. Ultimately it's once more the joker show, still the side missions are intriguing leaving me always wanting more. It would've been nice to be able to switch between Batman and Catwoman but maybe that can be something brought to the table in future outings.

These Batman games to date are the perfect adaption of comic to screen we have ever had and that is a bar that has been raised pretty damn high in film. We had two perfect trilogies in the history of Batman released within close proximity one being the Arkham series of games and the other being the Nolan trilogy. I'll end on a positive saying, if you love Batman then you'll love these games and it's a must play game or games.
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