Glen Ford Wants Missiles And Miss Lindfors
26 September 2023
Submarine commander Glen Ford wants in on the new guided missile program that Admiral Henry O'Neill is trying to get funding for. Ford also wants O'Neill's secretary, Viveca Lindfors. Neither goal is as easy to attain as he imagines, despite the conniving of his quartermaster, Joe Sawyer.

Glen Ford always looks realistic in a Naval uniform, even though he was a Marine during the Second World War. As for the impulse behind this movie, I suspect that the cooperation of the Navy was motivated in part to get Congressional funding for their guided missile program. Although the script goes pretty gar into the sacrifices-our-boys-make-for-this-country territory, it's mostly standard fare with some good shots of missiles taking off and passing over a flotilla. Director Henry gets good performances out of a cast that includes John Qualen, Jerry Paris, and Paul Harvey.
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