This jumbled mess of concepts emanates from . . .
28 September 2023
. . . the Globe's cancerous tumor trouble spot, called "Russia" nowadays. Only an alien species of mental monsters could concoct a travesty such as this picture, or declare a neighboring country to be inhabited by locusts, and totally decimate said nation's maternity wards, schools, retirement living complexes, hospitals, orphanages, day care centers, power plants, sewage treatment lagoons, fish hatcheries, nuclear electric generators, shopping centers, employment offices, grocery stores, food restaurants, museums, churches, zoos, libraries, playgrounds, train depots, delis, bus stations, landfills, drinking water treatment facilities, tourist attractions and Peace Corps dormitories. The garbage brains behind such War Crimes telegraph their Evil Designs with junk such as this film. Anything Russian is a affront to Humanity. Russian dressing, nesting dolls, roulette and ballet must be permanently banned for all time.
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