Review of Saw X

Saw X (2023)
True Saw fans will love it! Brings the old Saw magic back
29 September 2023
No spoilers here but before I begin I'll just say - DO NOT leave the cinema as soon as the credits start playing! There is a post credits scene shortly after the main credits start (not a long wait) and you don't wanna miss it. Sadly in the cinema where I watched almost everyone else left and missed it, so I hope enough people will read this and stay for a few more minutes.

The movie takes place between the first and second Saw movies (I suggest remembering at least the summary of the first 3 movies before watching), which was the prime era of the franchise. As a big fan of the franchise I actually came with extremely low expectations after the last 2 movies (especially Sprial) and was ready to be disappionted again, but this really ended up being above all expectations. I think they really managed to bring back the nostalgia feeling and this is easily in the top 5 of the movies in the series.

The veteran Saw fans will remember the feeling of waiting for a new movie to come out and the excitement, where each movie is leaving you with a taste of more and you just can't wait to see the next one. I think that feeling was lost in the 8th and 9th movies and this movie totally brings that feeling back. I enjoyed every second and I can't explain how much I missed feeling like this about a movie, as only the old Saw movies could make me this excited. I could watch 10 more movies like this and I was even willing to rewatch that one again as soon as it ended. The actors are also all great and it was amazing to see some familiar faces again (though I wish there were more), I'm also so glad Tobin Bell got to be the main character in another Saw movie, even at his age he can carry this perfectly and we can never get enough of him.

Only 2 minor downsides - one being that I wish there was more new lore to it that affects other movies, this one was very focused on the current story which was very interesting to learn but I would have loved to see more background lore and more old characters coming back. And the other downside is that with this being a classic Saw movie, I believe true fans who really know how Saw movies work will be able to predict majority of the story and know where all of it is going, like the twist in the end is great but is also not shocking because by now we know how those things work. But even when I could predict the storyline I still enjoyed every single moment of it and would totally rewatch it in the future, so though it's not a shocking masterpiece like the first movie I still think they did a great job and I wish we would get more of this level of Saw movies in the future, because after watching this I sure want more.

If you are not a long time Saw fan maybe you wouldn't be as excited as me, but I think you will still feel like this was a decent movie at the very least.
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