No Other Lifetime Movie Can Top This!...As The Worst Ever
29 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a lot of Lifetime Movies and have yet to see one as bad as this. When my husband and I watch Lifetime Movies, "The Missing Twin" is the gold standard of comparison when ranking the worst of the worst. In our opinion, none of the ones we've seen are even remotely as bad as this! Bad acting, lame characters, and bad one-liners are packed into this film, and ludicrously unbelievable things begin to happen in the last 20-30 minutes of the movie.

SPOILER ALERT below: The movie starts out with lots of potential. I wasn't sure if it was going to be a psychological thriller, horror with ghosts/haunting, or grief/depression/coping drama. I wanted to figure out what was going on. My first instinct was to think the "missing twin" was still somehow alive, but didn't know how.

As soon as that mystery was solved, everything went downhill. In the last 20-30 minutes of the film, too many crazy things happen. The mom takes down an armed cop and her armed sister using only children's outdoor toys (i.e. Bean bag, boomerang). At one point, the bad cop is shot only one time, but appears fine and is talking coherently. Then without any explanation, we randomly see her being rolled away on a gurney as they are covering her with a tarp. So I guess she died??? Lots of slow motion running through a foggy forest. Bad camera angles. Boomerang. Weird flashbacks. Like, literal what?

Did I mention the main character/mom is a mommy blogger? Her blog helps her save the day in more ways than one. Also that's how she's so knowledgeable about her weapons of choice (outdoor toys) which she happily whispers the product specifications to herself before use. Note: this movie was released in 2021 but her blog looks more like it's from 2001. Eeeekkk.

Watch this movie please! You'll get some good laughs and you can tell everyone about this insane movie you watched. Great conversation starter. And one more plus...you'll be able to say you've seen Lifetime's worst movie ever. Let's check it off the bucket list!
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