The Expanse: A Telltale Series (2023 Video Game)
An Interesting, Disappointing Experiment
30 September 2023
Not a terrible game by any means, but definitely nowhere near Telltale's best and a disappointing return for the company.

First of all, the gameplay is great. I enjoyed exploring and using the mechanics involved zero g, but also ultimately felt that many areas were devoid of interesting clues. And the shortage of explorable areas per episode was sorely disappointing.

The general story is alright. It's not really anything special in terms of sci fi, and considering how much is in the realm of possibilities, it's fairly disappointing to see a story so basic. What I WILL say about it is that your decisions do actually matter. Characters will live or die based on your decisions. How that is executed, however, is a different story...

A lot of the characters are very one note, and while I did care about a couple, many of the individual storylines given to these characters is hampered by long gaps where none of them do anything. I was interested in much of the crew, but we barely get to see any. Which speaks also to the whole "all but one can live and all but one can die" thing. They make good on this promise, but the matter of the keeping the characters involved after they are not handled well. It's unfortunate, since I was impressed with the lengths they were willing to go to make proper consequences with this series. There were many moments that made me regret my decisions, but not nearly enough.

The dialogue is tough to listen to. I know that many insist that this is accurate to the shows universe, but it sounds very stilted to me. Additionally, even when they aren't using the unique curse words of the show, they still talk very generically with each other. No character is truly unique, even the ones I enjoyed.

Overall, not what I was hoping it to be. Telltale can do better.
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