Batman: The Animated Series: Heart of Ice (1992)
Season 1, Episode 3
"Revenge is a served cold....."
1 October 2023
It's not everyday that you find an episode that not only moves you, but sticks with you for years to come, and this is one of them. Mr. Freeze isn't your average insane Batman villain, he's a victim of circumstance, who wants to be left alone with his wife, and will wreck vengeance one anyone who took away his life. While you want Batman to stop him, at the same time, you can't help but feel for Mr. Freeze, a man twisted into what he is because of the corruption of business. It's a duel of justices, one wants poetic justice, the other wants to exact merciful justice, though at least Batman shows sympathy for Victor. The end will definitely have you thinking and maybe even shedding a tear as well...
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