Randomness is the word for this show
3 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Hello fellow humans,

Since I became permanently disabled in 2016, I have watched a ton of Anime. I have watched all the good anime and I am either waiting for new episodes or scraping the barrel for gems. Since I am disabled and in pain 24/7 I would say Isekai is my favorite as I desperately want out of this broken body and in a world of magic and fantasies.

How to explain FLCL. Well complete and utter randomness. I am pretty sure the creature of this show took a bunch of acid and started to write the show. It starts off as Mech. But she has to fight golden irons yes irons that you iron your clothes with. Then some of her school mates have things that come out of their heads. She has dreams that are all random at the start of the show. These two women fight and one has a guitar the other a bass. They seem to have Mech items like the car and scooter. The main male character seems to never be able to get hurt so he is basically tossed around like a rag doll.

I watched this season and was left wondering what did I just watch. I get some anime is out their and weird. I love a ton of different shows within anime. But this show I was left feeling like I had no idea what I am watching. While funny at times. I still don't get what this show is about. Is it about saving the world? Is this show just her imagination? Is it a Mech show? Is it a fantasy show? Or is it simply a slice of life show and about her feeling different and going through puberty and how much she is changing? I guess it is all of those smashed together. After 6 episodes you should have a sense of what's going on and what's the point of the show. I honestly don't even know what or who the main character is. Is she a robot? Is she just creative and this is how she sees the world? Is she a god who is lost? Is she an alien who can't remember? Is she a science experiment gone wrong? I mean seriously who the heck is she? Or better question what is she? Again I have seen hundreds of anime shows and their are a few out their that leave you wondering what you just watched. If you like that then this is the show for you. It is funny at times. However I recommend being on drugs to watch this show. Being on drugs like mushrooms may make this show make more sense. But if your like me and not on drugs you will probably be like what am I watching and why am I watching it.
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