Why does it always have to be bugs
4 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Directed and written by Pakphum Wongjinda and Chalit Krileadmongkon, this Thai horror film had moments that almost made me nauseated, which I feel is the best feeling I can get from a scary movie.

Inspired by the story of Battambang from the reign of King Rama V, Creepy Crawly -- originally The 100 --

A travel influencer is kept quarantined in a hotel that has seen better days. Beyond just dealing with COVID shutdowns, she also has a rare blood disorder that she's kept a secret from everyone. Along with her brother Fiew and a martial arts master named Leo -- as well as his sister and their deaf father -- all of them must come together when the centipedes that live in the hotel get smart and decide that the time to destroy humans is now.

Not only are these centipedes out to kill just about everything -- a rat attack earlier is stomach decimating -- they also are all led by a monstrous one-legged killing machine that can possess people.

I'm usually one of those people that prefers real effects to CGI, but I really liked the effects in this. I mean, centipedes that overtake people and become part of them? Incredible.

I had so much fun with this movie. Even thinking about it now as I write this, I kind of want to watch it again.
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