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5 October 2023
It becomes increasingly evident the dividing line that Jesus spoke about regarding true believers and false believers when you watch this movie. Many people will gladly say they are a Christian when it's beneficial and easy.

Jesus said if you do not love him more than mother and father, even your own life, you're not worthy of him. Those who are truly following him will do so at all costs.

You go into this really thinking you're going to get an anti-VAX conspiracy documentary and get something completely different. It's rarely if ever political and instead focuses on the history of the church and its relationship to government in different time periods.

One of the most eye-opening things of the documentary is seeing how different governments have tried the exact same thing again, and again to shut down the church. And there is a time and a place for physical safety. If a hurricane is coming, you close the church and sent everyone home. It but after months of waiting for the hurricane and there's a few gusts of wind, and nothing more you don't keep people locked in their homes anymore.

We absolutely witnessed an abuse of government power, and attention hungry media and the unjust and unconstitutional treatment of institutions of face during the pandemic. There is no argument. There is no wiggling out, there was no trying to say that's not what happened. It is so irrefutably clear. This is exactly what happened, and I love that this documentary shines a spotlight directly on what happened with data, biblical support, and very credible medical and virology personelle.

The government does not have the right to mandate, alter or restrict worship. Ever. The church is essential and will continue to be until the end of the age.
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