Enjoyable gothic horror, if troubled by too restrained a tone
6 October 2023
One can't help but immediately note the terrific filming locations, luscious sets, gorgeous costume design, fetching hair and makeup, a beautiful leading lady (with more in the supporting cast), the tall, dark, and handsome baron, and suggestions of budding amorous feelings. With all these aspects firmly in mind it would have taken very little for this picture to have been realized purely as a gothic romantic drama, like 'La belle et la bête' except with more terse and complicated dynamics between all the characters involved. It nearly is, really, since the totality of the horror element doesn't fully come into play until late in the last act, and before that we get only passing scenes and imagery of more insidious goings-on. All the while 'Scream of the demon lover' is splendidly well made, with all the aesthetics we'd assume of contemporary period genre fare out of Italy, capable performances, and strong work from all those operating behind the scenes. And the story that this has to offer is earnestly engaging and compelling.

It's just that if one is looking for a robust thrill ride, or a horror flick that inspires visceral reactions, this isn't the title to provide it. When all is said and done this is enjoyable and satisfying - only, I think one can readily imagine other angles it might have adopted that would have been more wicked, more fun, and more satisfying in turn. For that matter, even if José Luis Merino had only realized the concept with more energy, and a greater sense of dynamics, the end result would have surely benefited. I'm glad I took the time to watch, but I admit I'm a little let down that the movie retains such a measured, restrained tone; it would have required little alteration to have shone more brightly. I think 'Scream of the demon lover' is well worth checking out if one has the opportunity, and above all if one is a fan of contemporary horror generally, and specifically like features coming out of Italy. One should perhaps just be aware that despite even the names this was given in its various releases, ultimately the viewing experience is more slow, steady, and thematic for the vast majority of its length than it is vibrant, violent, and hearty, as it is at the very end.
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