Beautifica 360 (2022 Music Video)
Epic Screensaver
8 October 2023
I kept waiting for someone to move the mouse so the screensaver would turn off and the show could start. It turns out the screensaver was the show.

If a 90's screensaver and modern AI had a lovechild, it would be this.

Watching this, I imagined someone's kid getting let loose in the graphics department for a Dr Strange movie and pressing every button imaginable in random order. The outcome, Beautifica.

The God-like beings in the beginning gave me hope that this was going to be an artistic representation of creation. I think the weird narration scared those beings away and they never returned. Or maybe they did and I missed it because the movie turned off twice. The first time, a chipper voice from somewhere in the dark apologized and started the whole thing from the beginning noting it "doesn't have a fast forward." The second time, it was too close to the next showing to start over again. Man, I knew I should have followed that small group who walked out the first time it turned off.

I should have used the time to nap. The AC was cold, the chairs were soft and reclined, my kids were too busy trying to figure out what the heck they were watching to bother me or fight, and there was strange new age music lulling us all to sleep.

If you are planning on seeing this, I strongly recommend going, buying a ticket, and waiting outside the exit door to watch all the confused faces coming out after it's over.
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