In response to other reviews
8 October 2023
I want to start by saying I understand why other people didn't like this episode. I also had some of those negative feelings too.

You dislike Korra in this episode a lot. People just can't understand why this is a good thing. What this show does much better than the last airbender ever did is actually make the bad guy someone you can really understand and show that things are not so black and white.

The fact that korra is immature and is not perfect at all is actually very relatable as she has been trapped on her own on an island for her whole life and always been the centre of attention. This is very different from the previous characters in avatar as they all had to grow up quickly due to their circumstances.

But you are missing that aang is also very immature in a lot of ways at the start too. He is just younger so it is in a very different spirit and his upbringing is very different too.

It is actually a beautiful thing that korra is so different to aang and even that this show is so different.

It shows that the writers really understand what they are creating and all the things that were missing in avatar are present here.

I don't think that takes away from either show. Both are pretty much perfect in their own right.

What this does is actually make korra relatable. I know you all want to root 100% for the hero and the bad guy is just some evil man who is hell bent on achieving power. But life is not that simple.

That is one thing I think that firlord ozai really lacked. They achieved this well with zukko and azula.

But every step of the way in this show you find your self having empathy and actually understanding the "enemy". They are not just some "bad guy". You see that korra is actually naive and doesn't actually understand how the world works.

But this is what sets it up for such a beautiful character development.

What she goes through in all the seasons but especially the last season when she gets poisoned, is that she has to reach the lowest parts of herself to actually become the best version of herself. This is what made zukko so relatable and I think is actually executed in a much more complex way with korra.

Don't get me wrong zukko is one of the best characters that has ever existed anywhere. And I too dislike korra at the start. But this is definitely intentional.

The fact that we dislike her is only a reflection of our own lack of self löve. We too are not perfect and we have probably made a lot of similar mistakes in our lives. But the only way I have learned from these mistakes personally is by going through my lowest points to show me what's really real and important and this is how we grow up.

By the end she absolutely does grow up. She becomes a mature young woman and actually shows empathy and understanding for kuvira.

This is such a beautiful development. And executed in a beautiful way. To suggest that this episode is just filler is silly.

If this episode angers you to the point where you stop watching it says more about you than the show...

I realise I missed a few points. I think the way Bolin is written in this episode is actually very poor. I initially rated this show 10/10 but it gets a 9/10 because I do not find bolin funny at all pretty much during the entire show. They missed the mark with him in my opinion. He develops into a very strong character in later seasons but his comedy... not so much.
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