Great idea, some great episodes.
9 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Evaluation criteria:

Story idea creativity - refers to a certain level of originality that should be met in order to have the full evaluation. Doesn't have to be the most original thing ever, but shouldn't fall to common themes. The idea of a post-apocalyptic world where humanity has declined, with small creatures (fairies) to kind of replace them isn't a common theme, therefore meeting originality standards. What loses some points in originality is the 'future' thematic, which is rather common to explore. 13 out of 15;

Story idea interesting - a rather subjective criteria, means how much I personally like the story idea, compared to other people (which means my evaluation has to be around other people's). The idea of a protagonist having to face surreal problems regarding both her life and the fairies is quite splendid, but it makes me expect to watch a rather nonsensical anime. 16 out of 20;

Internal coherence - means that the episodes, by themselves, as well as how single episodes connect to the rest of the anime, have to make sense, according to their universe rules and past experiences. For example, from the first episode: The three girls who were following the mediator's orders of hunting the chickens? Never to be seen again. Another example, from that one scene in which the mediator's assistant had separated from her in the second episode. He likely had to pass through the same life-threatening situation she had, which means seeing him alive a few minutes later leaves many questions in the air: How did he survive? And don't tell me that some stupid employees left that section underdeveloped for story convenience, that doesn't make internal sense. How did he know where to meet with the mediator to save her from the chickens? Finally, how exactly did he kill THAT MANY chickens who were just lying there for God knows why? ... Another one: How exactly is he the mediator's assistant if he didn't ever appear again? ... What saves a portion of the evaluation is that the episodes are understandable at the very least. 11 out of 25;

Characters - refers to how much I like the characters. This criteria is rather subjective, because if I really like at least one of the characters, the evaluation will automatically be higher than half. And, of course, I really liked the characteristics of "The New Humanity", also known as the fairies. Of course, the could have been better used, but they're the best characters from the story. The other characters, except for the mediator and her grandfather, are pretty much chaotic, with little character development. 13 out of 20;

Episodes, in general - means how much I personally liked the episodes, using the previous criteria and my personal opinions. For estimating, 'great' episodes value 1.2x, 'decent' episodes value 0.9x, and 'terrible' episodes value 0.2x. Two great episodes, seven decent episodes, and three terrible episodes. Final evaluation would be 9.3 but I'll round it to higher because there are only 12 episodes. 10 out of 20.

Final evaluation: 63 out of 100, rounded to 6 stars.
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