Hold Me Tight (2021)
Very Affecting
12 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Vicky Krieps is a very interesting actor and here she gets to display a great range of mood and emotion in a way that (for me) was much more satisfying than Corsage (for example).

It takes a while before it's clear what's going on - so don't give up after 20 minutes. Once the various perspectives and timelines start to gel, it turns into a quietly devastating study in grief and exploration of the potentials of life, which I found very thought-provoking. Amalric doesn't strongly signal the differences between the "real" and "imagined" scenes - which could be frustrating - but perhaps was intentional to try and match the possible chaos of Clarisse's thoughts and emotions.

Well worth a look.

(Spoilery bit: For what it's worth, I don't think she ever really left her family. She fantasises this scenario in order that she can visualise them all getting on with their lives without her - in particular so that her children can have a future. As opposed to what "really happened", when they all left *her*, accidentally.)
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