Feels redacted
13 October 2023
It's like they had a good script, but were forced to give it to some SJW writer who scribbled all over it with a red pen. Every time someone says something 'inappropriate', the main character has to tell the person how offensive or unacceptable the remark was. God forbid the audience make up their own mind whether they feel 'offended' by a fat joke.

It felt like the movie was breaking the fourth wall every time this happened.

And do we really need more of this western hollywood trope where the main young female is a snarky, rude smartass, and her guy friends are usually portrayed as stuttering, ball-less wimps?

You also had to really suspend your disbelief when the movie tries to make you think that these girls knew anything about science. C'mon. That aspect and some other production quality issues could've been executed a lot better (CGI blood was poor, and every time there's a song playing outside or in a house, they never edit the music to make it sound like it's coming from a car or from a room in the house).

But overall it's not a bad watch if you can handle the cringy moments. I rate it a little higher for the 80s characters and some of their great lines (there's a good script underneath it all).
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