Review of Reptile

Reptile (2023)
14 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
God this was so bad. So boring... just nothing ever happens. It's just nothing . Like if you died right now you'd be nothing. This movie was like watching nothing. Chicago pd episodes are wayyy wayyy better. I didn't care who the killer was anymore. I just did not. That's never happened before. This was so boring and long I just didn't care anymore. I swear watch chicago pd. So much better. Like how big a dolt Joe Biden is. That Big. I hope nobody to pay to see this because that would be a travesty beyond all recognition. Did I mention this movie was really boring lol. Yea I think I did. Holy hell was I punished. Oh my God I just saw another guy say this was a Gravitas film. I didn't know. That's why it was so bad lmao. I must've missed that at the intro. Holy hell that's funny.
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