My heart has never beaten this fast for anyone. I have never spent the whole night awake thinking about someone either. You think this is the spell's doing? No, it's love.
14 October 2023
This drama is absolutely brilliant, with all the ingredients that will hook you from the beginning.

I hesitated for a bit whether I should Give this drama a 10 just because I enjoyed it so much but there's a few flaws I couldn't ignore so a 9 it is.

It has a perfect mix of comedy, romance, drama and mystery.

The main plot regarding the course and the past lives was extremely interesting, i love how this was intertwined in the form of dreams and flashbacks with the present, and also how this was sprinkled throughout the series and not all displayed at once, so you kept discovering more pieces.

The chemistry between the main leads is absolutely off the roof and they share so many intense scenes together ( both of sweet love or heartbreaking moments), which gives a very real perspective of their love to the audience.

Rowoon as the main lead is amazing in this drama. He keeps growing year after year and his range of emotions is outstanding. He nails the comedy , specially the comedy, in this drama and you will find yourself eagerly waiting for his scenes. The way he You will cry of laughter or your heart will break alongside his character's, that's how great his acting is. He is honestly becoming one of my favorite kdrama actors.

Cho Bo Ah as the FM was awesome too, again, great chemistry with Rowoon, looking forward to see her next project.

My only issue with this drama and the reason why im not giving the highest score, is that they add a bit too many subplots in the mix making it a bit chaotic to keep the focus in what's important. I was expecting a better resolution for the main plot perhaps. Or maybe they wanted that exact outcome. Who knows.

Overall was a fantastic enjoyable drama, specially because of the acting and the chemistry of the actors, I laughed, cried and felt all of their passion and emotions and I truly recommend you to watch it too!
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