Ratham (2023)
An uninteresting, uninspired drag
15 October 2023
What becomes unmistakably obvious within the first 15 or so minutes of this movie is that it is (and is going to be) trying very hard to be something it has not the capacity to be. Everything wrong with this movie stems from its writing; writing that has all its work ahead of it to ever be engaging.

It's a difficult task reviewing this movie because it's a difficult task giving any credit to this movie. It's as dead as Vijay Antony's ability to land a punchline. It's basically the "how do you do fellow kids" of thrillers. Nothing happens, and even when something does, it's silly... Silly, not because it's silly, but because you know it's trying very hard to be deep, sophisticated and taken seriously.

The story is riddled with as much cliches as the dialogue is with its exposition, all leading up to a rather vapid and prosaic climax. It's a shame that it is though, because I enjoyed the Thamizh Padam movies a lot and was somewhat curious to see how director C. S. Amudhan would go about a more serious genre of film. It's ultimately disappointing and without a single morsel of anything worth recommending.
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