London calling (from a Hollywood backlot)
20 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this "London" outing. The disappearing body, the explanation for it, the introduction of secret agents, the murderer's identity - I thought it was all very well done, in an enjoyably silly and carefree way.

Some random thoughts:

Check out the difference between the fairy-tale village that we see our characters in and the real-life London in the stock footage.

That is the world's worst private detective. He's following the woman at a distance of about 20 feet, in plain view, wearing a grey trench coat and a bowler hat(!). Then he gets in the lift with her! Why don't you just go ahead and hold her hand, man?

They must have used a catapult to throw that body from the window, judging by how far away it appears to have landed.

If you're going to use your own servants as undercover agents (MI5 must be rather short of manpower) you probably shouldn't then have them work the soiree to which you've invited the very person they were supposed to fool.

I've been watching Trevor Eve and Sharon Maughan on TV since the 80s but I had no idea until today that they're married. Presumably, he didn't keep that hairstyle for too long, otherwise they surely no longer would be.

Daisy Collins, Archie Potter, Mickey Dawks, Penelope Cadwell... Lots of effort made coming up with non-cliched-sounding English names, I see.

I'm trying my best to ignore the accents. I've just had a large meal and if I laugh too hard I'm going to be sick.

Jessica's method of getting rid of the loan shark is pure genius.

It's maybe not a good idea to discuss matters of British counter-espionage in front of underworld loan sharks. Or foreign crime novelists, come to think of it. But when JB's around and you haven't been murdered yet, you're probably so relieved that you're not thinking straight.

Ohhh, it was her! The thing with the cats' home did set off a faint alarm bell in my head, but then I got distracted looking at her and thought no more. For a cold-blooded murderer, I kind of feel sorry for her. All her dreams of prostituting herself to a better class of clientele have been dashed.

Doesn't that money rightfully belong to Mickey? Will he get it after the trial, when it isn't evidence anymore? When will there be a trial? How long are they going to keep this sword of Damocles hanging over Daisy's head? Tell me! I need to know!

Seven stars, in accordance with the rating system developed by The Dick Van Dyke School of International Britishness.
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