Gen V: Welcome to the Monster Club (2023)
Season 1, Episode 5
One Scene is Awesome but the Rest is Pretty Cringe
21 October 2023
Alright let's review the next installment of this discount store CW series milking The Boys IP for every fraction of a cent they can squeeze out of it until there's nothing but a dried up husk of a cool comic book. So when we left off, ah, who cares? The story is so all-over-the-place, just assume anyone can do anything, and anything can be ret-conned at any time. That's the level of laziness the writers are at. If you're ever unsure what's going on just remember: Diverse casting good, white guy bad. This show is a perfect example of something that's a "product of its time", and while it certainly won't be remembered by future generations, when future generations look back and laugh at something because "OMG that's SO Covid-era!" it will be when witnessing something as cliche as this show.

Watching the recap is like a blooper reel. How did I give this 4 stars?

Almost saw boobs for a second. I'm still trying to figure out who this show is made for. Is it made for college students? College students who did not grow up inundated with superhero movies? At its core it's a teen drama, an NC-17 teen drama.

The acting is exceptionally bad in this episode. The jokes are cringe. I keep forgetting how stupid the underlying premise of the school is, in that the students are trying to improve their social media scores, but every 15 minutes someone will make a hastily tacked on reference to their followers or Q score or something.

And then completely out of left field comes the Sam scene and it's a good show. That was totally awesome. For two minutes they put something genuinely creative to film and had competent people working on it.

But then it's back to the teen drama and talking about feelings. There's a lot of mind R'ing going on in this episode (their word not mine). At this point no one is responsible for their actions and since shape changing is a power literally anyone can be anyone.

It's weird how the references to The Boys universe feel pandering. As with the premise of the school, it's for the most part forgettable but then they remind you every 15 minutes with a random tacked-on reference.

This is a difficult episode to score because 95% of it was pure trash, but the Sam scene was so genuinely awesome and creative, and his storyline is compelling so I want to see where that goes. I can't believe it, but I give this a 5/10.
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