Permafrost (2024)
An A For Effort film if there ever was one
22 October 2023
All of the elements for an exciting film with rich subtext exist within this film. As a first-time feature for Director and Actor Lenni Uitto, it breaks the mold for what to expect from new talent.

Going into the movie, be prepared for the flow between scenes to feel somewhat disjointed and separated from one another. Motivations for each character feel sensationalized in the name of dramatization on screen, but the plot of the film stands as unique, creative and with great potential for a sequel or eventual reboot. The plot: "the world is thrown into an ice age-like state and human survivors exist in factions and exist in organized chaos to prolong their survival."

While there's a multiple holes that can be poked into this film, it still stands as one worth watching for any movie aficionado. The building blocks for an amazing film are there and anyone who watches the film can see that. But no film has ever achieved perfection, only completion. And I for one, can't wait to see what this new director/actor produces for us next.
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