Its a ok episode but why is bernadette so mean in the series!
22 October 2023
Why did they make bernadette's character so mean she was so nice in the begining of the series. She cares only for herself and they did wrong by having any kind of episode around her. Theres a reason she's the most hated person on the big bang theory. But the episode is ok take away her scenes. Bern started out nice and sweet but it took a turn when she started to yell and sound like howards mom then it went downhill. Always bugged me that when she was a waitress then all of a sudden she finished college and right away she got a high paying job like theres companies that scope people out like that especially when she wasnt anything special but i guess the writers figured better story. Oh and penny getting a high paying job too even though she totally failed on the interview because penny and the interview guy were scared of bern at the end. Its just silly so in the end they make it so the girls are making more money than howard, lenard and sheldon. One episode had penny saying she made 2 x more than leonard and the same with bernie and howard. Ive watched this series many times but some thing are just annoying. The reviewer that gave this a 9/10 LOL there's no episode better than a 8 at most.
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