"We could be looking at the future of humanity."
24 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you want a pretty good overview of the plot holes in this episode, just head on over to the review by IMDb user 'Playbahnosh' for this one. A lot of the points made there crossed my mind as well while watching this story, and dedicated Star Trek fans will probably agree. I had forgotten about the original series episode titled "The Deadly Years" so I acknowledge those reviewers who mentioned it as well. Faced with a conundrum in this one, Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) came up with a solution pulled out of left field with all that scientific gobbledy-gook he engaged in with his officer crew. As for character development, there were two notable moments in the story. First when Picard learned that Doctor Pulaski (Diana Muldaur) was a great admirer of his and was the reason she requested assignment aboard the Enterprise. That took some of the sting out of the contentious relationship he had with her starting out. The other was Pulaski's new found respect for Data (Brent Spiner) while facing potential death from the aging disease encountered on the doomed USS Lantree and the Gagarin IV research station. Oddly, the term 'progeria' was never used in the episode which I found kind of odd since it's a known, rare progressive genetic disorder that effects young children due to a mutated gene. How the pre-teens aboard Gagarin IV became carriers of the disease wasn't fully explained, but by the time the story is over, that doesn't make much difference.
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