Why why why?
24 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
  • Sultan of Delhi is a web series that fails to deliver on its promise of being a gritty and realistic portrayal of the underworld in the capital city of India. The show suffers from various flaws that make it a disappointing and frustrating watch. Some of the major flaws are:

  • The story plot is full of clichés, inconsistencies, and illogical twists that make no sense. For example, the main character, Sultan, is shown to be a ruthless and powerful gangster who can kill anyone without hesitation, but he also has a soft spot for his family and friends, who often betray him or get him into trouble. The show also introduces many subplots and characters that are either irrelevant or unresolved by the end of the season. The show tries to create suspense and drama by adding unexpected twists, but they often contradict the established facts or the character motivations.

  • The dialogue is cheesy, cringeworthy, and sometimes downright offensive. The show uses a lot of slang, curse words, and references to pop culture, but they sound unnatural and forced. The show also tries to be witty and humorous, but the jokes are either lame or inappropriate. The show also uses a lot of violence, sex, and nudity, but they are gratuitous and exploitative, rather than serving the story or the theme.

  • The show is shot so poorly that it looks like a low-budget daily soap, with shaky camera work, poor lighting, and amateur editing. The show does not capture the essence or the atmosphere of Delhi, but rather shows generic and dull locations that could be anywhere. The show also uses a lot of slow-motion, zoom-in, and freeze-frame effects that are outdated and annoying. The show does not have a consistent or distinctive visual style, but rather switches between different genres and tones randomly.

  • The music and score are pathetic, with generic and repetitive tunes that do not match the mood or the scene. The show uses a lot of songs from Bollywood and other sources, but they are either overused or misplaced. The show does not have an original or memorable theme song or soundtrack, but rather relies on borrowed or recycled music that does not enhance the emotion or the impact of the show.

  • The casting and their performances are the worst part of the show, with actors who cannot act, emote, or deliver their lines convincingly. The show features some well-known and talented actors, but they are either wasted or miscast in roles that do not suit them or challenge them. The show also features some unknown and inexperienced actors, but they are either bland or annoying in roles that do not interest them or engage them. The show does not have any chemistry or charisma between the actors, but rather shows them as wooden or artificial.

  • The hair and costumes are so poorly done that they look like they were bought from a roadside stall, with no regard for the period or the character. The show is set in the 1980s and 1990s, but it does not reflect the fashion or the culture of those times accurately or authentically. The show also does not differentiate between the characters' backgrounds or personalities through their outfits or accessories, but rather shows them as generic or stereotypical.

  • In conclusion, Sultan of Delhi is a web series that had everything going for it: a big budget, a great showrunner and director, a best casting director, and a best cinematographer. But what went wrong? Why did everything look so forced and fake? Why did everything just fail? The answer is simple: the show lacked vision, creativity, and originality. It tried to copy other successful shows like Sacred Games or Mirzapur, but without understanding what made them work. It tried to be edgy and dark, but without any depth or substance. It tried to be entertaining and thrilling, but without any logic or coherence. It was a highly disappointing show that wasted its potential and its talent. It was a show that should have never been made.
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