15 Cameras (2023)
This series keeps on producing great content
25 October 2023
It's incredible to me that the '13 Cameras' series has somehow become one of the most consistently good horror trilogies. Three films and they're all great in their own way. '15 Cameras' changes the formula up a bit, but it does it in a really interesting and twisted way. This film was a blast.

I usually dislike horror movies where the majority of the film is set during the day, however '15 Cameras' proved that it can work. It also proved that you can have a dark and twisted film without someone having to die every 10 minutes. There is actually very little in the way of kills or even on-screen danger for the majority of the film, however there is still always an unease and darkness readily apparent.

I love the concept of a regular and good person being put in a chance position that corrupts them and turns them into something they weren't before. That is really interesting to me. This film was a good time. 8.5/10.
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