27 October 2023
Nearly every single cut is accompanied by a 'stylised' flashing negative frame and irritating digital click that are impossible to ignore. It's supposed to give the impression that the footage was edited with super-secret covert military spy technology but it just looks cheap and causes a headache. Unnecessary.

Wanted an easy watch and a chuckle but from the limited amount I could endure the content appears to pander to 'I do my own research' types by having 'witnesses' (unburdened by pesky evidence) ramble freely about their unfounded conclusions. This is why no one takes UFO enthusiasts seriously even though there is an interesting conversation to be had about the topic in general.

I don't know whether to feel sorry for the astrophysicist or not, maybe she didn't know what she was signing up for or maybe the gig just paid really well, but I truly hope her legacy isn't spoiled or defined by video-conferencing lunatics in a garden shed - sorry I meant secret command bunker.

If aliens were genuinely exposed to present-day humanity there would probably (sadly) be no thought provoking discussions or philosophical awakening, it would just encourage mentally unwell basketcases to come forward claiming to have telepathic connections with them, sparking a new subculture of lonely outcasts to rival flat-earthers, and exposing our inability as a society to help those who are struggling to find community and acceptance in reality.

Or you can believe the positive reviews suggesting that the critiques of this trash are operations to hide the truth.
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