A bit Muddy looking and hard to find
28 October 2023
This film is a mixed bag. It has some excellent aspects, but it does tend to drag a bit, and it is a muddle of accents. It is set in the highlands of Scotland during a very complicated time, and does not do a very good job of explaining this complicated political situation. While it probably looked vibrant when it was first put out, today it looks very muddy and boring, like they were filming at the end of February or the beginning of November. There are two parts which are quite funny, the first is when Rob is trying to ask for someone's hand in marriage and his future father-in-law is loudly playing with the reed of a bagpipe. The second is that the new German King of England George the first needed a translator and spoke in a very thick German accent, and spoke in German to highlanders who happened to understand German. It's often compared to the last film about Rob Roy they made, in the early 90s, while I have seen that film, I do not remember it very well, so I can't really compare the two. It seems to me an American imagining of the story of Scotland, and I think that most films about Scotland are American imaginings of Scottish history that they idealize. I think that's because America is a country of immigrants and while there is a civic identity of America, there isn't an ethnic American identity, so often the descendants of these immigrants tend to latch on to a sort of mythic past. It's the same thing in Canada, where I grew up, or at least during the time when I grew up. People would identify as Scottish or Highlanders, but never as the English, although everyone I grew up with was mostly a mixture of these ethnicities.
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